Archive for September, 2010

Day 275: We were married on September 2, 2010

It is actually Sept. 7th today… so the wedding was last week.

As you can imagine I have been a little distracted to write since we’ve been having a honeymoon!  We didn’t go anywhere… just stayed home alone for five days… without any kids! yeah!  But we are going on a real honeymoon to Mexico in a few weeks.  But it has been wonderful.

I am more sure every day that I made the right decision and married the right man.  He really is my best friend and we have so much fun being together.  Patrick is the perfect man for me.  He is considerate, helpful, (he sounds like a boy scout LOL) but he is also very loving, strong, manly and very very sexy.  Being with him makes me happy.

We had a small wedding with just family and a few close friends at my parents condo.  The ceremony took place outdoors in the garden.  My dad walked me down the aisle to a beautiful acoustic guitar version of the brides march.  I wore a fun playful white dress with a dark pink polka dot sash and the groom was in white shorts and an orange shirt – we were both wearing flip flops!  Though mine had sparklies on the toes.

Patrick was sooo handsome, I couldn’t take my eyes off him.  (Were there other people there?)

We had written our own vows and each took a turn sharing our love for the other, then Bishop Flint took us through the promises and pronounced us husband and wife!  After everyone had a chance to come up and congratulate us we all moved into the pool area and had a party.  Lots of the cousins decided to swim while the adults enjoyed the bright cupcakes and sodas!  There were candles on the brick walls surrounding the pool area and chinese lanterns and little white lights – it was beautiful.

You can see the pictures on FB if you would like.

Though it was kinda surreal and still hasn’t sunk in.  Are we really married?

It feels like we are just on a long date and I keep thinking he’ll be going home and I’ll have to miss him again.  Even though we spent the weekend moving his stuff into the house and his clothes into my closet!  I keep looking at them… WOW… he really lives here!!!!

It was a beautiful little wedding and an even better weekend (that’s all I’m gonna say on that.)

Reflecting back on the ups and downs of the last 275 days I must admit that nothing has gone the way I expected it to.  I think that there is a powerful life lesson in that.  Life is never going to go the way we expect!

It is always going to be full of twists and turns we never see coming.   It’s not just the bad ones that surprise you either.  This good surprise knocked me off my feet because I was not expecting it yet.  I kept looking up to God saying…

“Now, Seriously you sent him now!”  “It’s kinda soon isn’t it?”

But things happen in heaven’s time not ours.

I think that God likes to keep us on our toes and trusting him… Surprises keep you in trust because in the end you realize that’s all you can do.  You are not in charge.  He is driving this boat and though you have the free agency to make choices you will rarely get to choose the circumstances which surround you.

Patrick (my surprise guy) and I both realize that our story is only beginning and that there are lots of scary and exciting twists and turns still to come.  We are currently reading some books on creating successful step-families and working on some structure and rules to help our children through this big adjustment.

Last night four of the seven children came home and reality hit us in the face.  The girls are both sick and everyone was grouchy.  We made dinner for 8, folded laundry, got homework done and ran to the store for medicine.  By the time we got to bed we were both too tired to do anything else – yes the honeymoon was over!

But we are still smiling!

My adventure to find love is over… but my adventures in love and life are only beginning!  I will continue the blog guys and plus Tammy is still out there looking for her Mr. Right… so there will be lots of stories to come.