Archive for the ‘Humor – Cartoons’ Category

Don’t cover your grey with a sharpie and other tips for 40-something moms!

As a 40-something mother of seven, I have learned some good lessons recently.

First, even though a brown Sharpie does cover gray hair remarkably well, those hairs will later break and fall out — and you will be left with a Mohawk up the center of your head.

Yes, I learned that one the hard way.

Here are more tips for 40-something moms:

1. Keep your wallet empty. (If you have cash in your wallet, your children will inevitably ask you for it. If you don’t have any money, you can’t give it to them, and after a while they’ll stop asking).

2. Buy a good stain remover.

3. Hysteria will get you nowhere.

4. As soon as one of your children turns 16, lower your insurance deductible to $100.

5. Never wear high heels if they make you grouchy.

6. Never compare yourself with other moms — it’s a waste of energy.

7. Bribes work.

8. A happy family is more important than a clean house.

9. When getting your picture taken, put your hands on your hips. If there is open space between your arms and your body, it makes you look thinner. (Trust me; it really works.)

10. No matter how cool you are, your teenage daughter will find you embarrassing, so don’t take it personally. Continue to be the real you. Later on she will appreciate your confidence.

11. Thirteen is too late to put them up for adoption.

12. Mop slippers and music are a great way to exercise and clean the floor at the same time. (Your children will think you’re crazy, but that’s not a bad thing.)

13. Hide your candy in your underwear drawer because kids won’t look there.

14. Don’t take responsibility for stuff that is their responsibility. Make sure they know which stuff is theirs and you aren’t doing it.

15. Growing a fuzzy beard is normal after 40.

16. Don’t shave your beard. It will only make things worse.

17. Nervous breakdowns are just nature’s way of saying “Take it easy!” So schedule some “me” time and relax. (Today is as good a time as ever.)

18. Raising children is an exciting adventure that will be over before you know it. So lower your standards, open your heart, laugh often and don’t take anything too seriously.

And last but not least …

19. Know that you don’t have to be a perfect mom to be the perfect mom for your kids.

Kimberly Sayer Giles is the founder and president of and was named one of the Top 20 Advice Guru’s in the country by GMA. She is a speaker and life coach.

You know you have a large family when…

It’s been a crazy but wonderful holiday season at the Sayer/Giles home.

Thing with GMA are moving forward.  My good friend Rick Egan filmed five video segments the producers requested this morning and we are submitting them tomorrow.  They will narrow the field to a top ten next week – so stay tuned to find out what happens.

We had eight kids at our house for Christmas this year and it has been a blast.  I have to say, last Christmas was the worst I’ve ever had… and this Christmas was probably my best ever.

In spite of the fact that the storms have ripped the siding off the house, the water heater is leaking and the presents under the tree were lean to say the least.

It was all about having the man of my dreams, my soul mate and best friend by my side – and these amazing kids who mean the world to us!!!!

Patrick is so good to me and is adjusting well to having this huge crazy family!  When I read the following about big families though, I laughed my head off and decided I had to share them with you.

You know you have a large family when…

The combined mileage on your cars is 1,000,000 miles (and you haven’t left your suburb in seven years).

Your children have so many T.V’s, computers, stereos and blow dryers, you single-handedly keep the utility company in business.

No one invites you over for Sunday dinner anymore.

You have a laundromat in your basement (it’s open all night and you still can’t find an empty machine).

Santa has to use a “wide load” sleigh and 16 reindeer to haul everything down to you.

Your monthly grocery store receipt is 4 figures (the commodities market rallies every time you go shopping.

You use a whole box of oatmeal and whole loaf of bread to make breakfast.

Your driveway looks like a used car lot.

The breakdown of the dishwasher is a family crisis second only to running out of toilet paper.

By the time you’re 18, you have considerably more parenting experience than many young parents you know.

Two hotel rooms and two cars are considered normal for long trips.

You wonder why milk even comes in 1-quart containers.

There is an extra person at the dinner table and you don’t notice until halfway through the meal– because that person is six people down the row from you.

The orthodontist loves your family.

Your father can no longer remember your name so he has to go through everyone else’s before he gets to yours.

You’ve considered a career as a lawyer, as arguing comes naturally to you.

Your main staple diet growing up consisted of spaghetti, lasagna, stew, casseroles, or anything else that could be easily cooked in huge batches.

Sitting on the toilet is having a 3-minute break from the crowd.

In order to get a piping-hot shower in the morning, you have to wake up around 3:00 am.

Upon hearing your last name, your new teacher on the first day of high school looks darkly at you and intones meaningfully,  ”Oh, another one.”

You know where the bathroom is in any major store you visit.

Your grocery budget is higher than your house payment.

You know what to use to remove lipstick, shortening, and marker from any surface.

You are certain one of your kids is sneaking rolls of toilet paper out of the house and selling them because you know there is no way they could be using that much of it, even if there ARE a lot of bottoms in your house.

When you go to order fast food, you order 6 hamburgers, one with ketchup only, one plain, one with no pickles or onions, two with no pickles, onions or mustard, and one with nothing but cheese, plus one fish sandwich, one chicken sandwich, one large hamburger, and one large hamburger with bacon. You then have to repeat yourself three times so the person at the window can get it right.

You can quote entire pages from Dr. Seuss without having to pause to think about it.

You know, and are thankful, that when they get too old to send to their rooms, that possession of the car keys gives you the ultimate power!

When the first two kids move out, you can’t believe how much smaller your family feels.


I borrowed some of these ideas from:

Laura Wheeler at

by Cherly Moeller More at

Check them out to read more.

1000 Votes and 10 Hilarious Parenting Laws

I reached 1000 votes on the Good Morning America Advice Guru Search this morning.  How amazing is that?”

I am over-whelmed by the love and support from so many friends, family members, co-workers and others who just heard about it and wanted to help me.

It is amazing to see (on paper) that kind of love and support.  I can’t believe how many wonderful people have taken the time to spread the word and help me accomplish this!

I am feeling very confident about making it into the top ten – which will be announced in a couple weeks!

The producers of the show have asked me to turn in more video next – and I am working on the content now.  It is interesting working in T.V. though, how strict they are about time.  It’s been a challenge to learn how to get a point across in only 20 seconds.  (And they are serious about it being exactly 20 seconds long.)  I write down what I want to say and then cut and cut and cut until it is concise yet still understandable.

20 seconds goes by sooooo fast!

For example, they want me to explain in twenty seconds something that drives me nuts and why.  I have seven children GMA!  There are so many things that drive me nuts, I don’t know where to start…

Our monthly grocery store receipt is in the 4 figures (the commodities market rallies every time I go shopping.)

Our children are terrorists – they have been using sleep deprivation techniques on us for 20 years.

They are so computer savvy they could reprogram the space shuttle and read HTML code but…  they can’t remember how to turn the vacuum cleaner on.

I can’t remember the last time I was alone in the bathroom.

I think the laundry is out to get me.

My Dryer eats socks

The closest I get to gourmet cooking is making Rice Krispie treats.

They also want me to tell about “one word” that best describes me, in 20 seconds or less…


(I have seven children and Christmas is 2 days away!)


(I just realized that I only shaved one leg this morning!)

Actually I am leaning towards “Wholehearted”…  The dictionary says it means sincere, genuine, enthusiastic, energetic with a love of life and everything in it.

What do you think?

Now I must share something really funny someone sent me…

10 Hilarious Parenting Laws

1. The later you stay up, the earlier your child will wake up the next morning.

2. For a child to become clean, something else must become dirty.

3. Toys multiply to fill any space available.

4. The longer it takes you to make a meal, the less your child will like it.

5. Yours is always the only child who doesn’t behave.

6. If the shoe fits…it’s expensive.

7. The surest way to get something done is to tell a child not to do it.

8. The gooier the food, the more likely it is to end up on the carpet.

9. Backing the car out of the driveway causes your child to have to go to the bathroom.

10. The more challenging the child…  the more rewarding it is to be a mom.

Things you will NEVER hear a mom say!

1. “How on earth can you see the TV sitting so far back?”

2. “Yeah, I used to skip school a lot, too.”

3. “Just leave all the lights on … it makes the house look more cheery.”

4. “Let me smell that shirt — Yeah, it’s good for another week.”

5. “Go ahead and keep that stray dog, honey. I’ll be glad to feed and walk him every day.”

6. “Well, if Timmy’s mom says it’s OK, that’s good enough for me.”

7. “The curfew is just a general time to shoot for. It’s not like I’m running a prison around here.”

8. “I don’t have a tissue with me … just use your sleeve.”

9. “Don’t bother wearing a jacket – the wind-chill is bound to improve.”

Read more of Kimberly’s advice and rank it at …

Give advice on economy… are you kiddin? Yep

Dear Advice Guru…when will the economy turn around, when will the congress start acting like trouble shooters instead of trouble makers, & is World Peace any where closer in 2011? If you can answer any of these questions…you deserve to be the GMA Advice Guru! ☺

I don’t have the answers because… no one knows!  But I’m still hopeful that we can come up with some real solutions.  I don’t want to make light of it all because they are serious issues but here are a couple common sense ideas I heard on late night T.V. that will at least make you smile…  (They came from either Letterman or Leno not sure which)

How about this idea? Instead of giving $25 billion to the car companies, give it to us, with the provision it can only be used to buy a Corvette. They get the money, everybody back to work, and we all get a new car!

And the US Postal Service says they may cut postal service from six days to five days a week. They say they’re losing money because people aren’t using the postal service as much as they used to. If you’d like to complain, you can e-mail the complaint to

Well, all across the country unemployment offices are swamped with people waiting to file for unemployment insurance. It’s gotten so bad that the offices are overwhelmed and can’t function.  I got an idea.  Why don’t you hire more people? They’re right there in line. Speed this whole thing up!

Day 365 Anything worth taking seriously is worth making fun of

I just realized that it has been exactly a year since I started the blog.

Day 1 was in December of 2009!

I just thought is was important to recognize how much your life can change in 365 days.  Last year at this time I was more miserable and depressed than I’ve ever been in my life.  I started the blog as a way of laughing at my situation… so I wouldn’t cry… as much.  I was crying myself to sleep every night and honestly wished I could cease to exist.  It was that bad.

I never would have guessed in a million years that one year later I would be remarried to the man of my dreams, have a thriving business and a shot at a job on GMA.  I would never have dreamed that I would be as happy as I am today!


In honor of the year mark, I put together some classic Kim Blog humor around my new career as an advice guru.  This is the advice that will never make it online or on the air at GMA but would be good to remember anyway…

Don’t throw a brick straight up.

If at first you do succeed, try not to look so astonished.

This just in… police have apprehended the man who let the dogs out.

Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.

I hope that someday everyone will put away their fears and prejudices,
and just laugh at each other.

“You don’t have to agree with me… but it’s quicker.

Therapy is expensive… popping that bubble wrap stuff is cheap. You choose.

If you can’t convince them, confuse them.

If life is a waste of time, and time is a waste of life, then let’s all get wasted and have the time of our lives.”

“To do is to be”- Descartes “To be is to do”- Voltaire “Do be do be do”- Scooby doo

I don’t care. It’s my inner life and I’ll be as warped as I like in the privacy of my own skull.

I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.

Do or do not. There is no try.”- Yoda

“When angry, count to four. When very angry… swear.”

“Never take life seriously. No one gets out alive anyways.”

Just remember that you are unique… just like everyone else.

Taxes with representation aren’t so hot either.

It seems to me that the easiest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it back in your pocket.

Never miss an opportunity to shut up.”

“Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you are a mile away and have their shoes.”

You can only be young once, but you can always be immature.

Quitters never win, and winners never quit, but those who never win and never quit are just plain idiots.”

Duct tape is like the Force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the world together.

I think that we should delay the search for intelligent life on other planets until we can find some on our own planet.

Day 224: Prune Juice and upside down lattes are you kidding me?

Tammy and I were convinced by a friend of ours (nickname: Doc Flowers) that we needed to change our diet.

He also convinced us that we needed to start with a three day bowel cleanse (you can read more about the hilarious start of this adventure on day 218!)  But it involves coffee enemas!

Are you kidding me?

The problem with the doc is that he leaves out critical pieces of information… thinking he told you things about how to do it, when he hasn’t.  He had given us instruction for the cleanse but every time we called him with questions… he remembered things about it that made it worse!

We were eating lunch on Monday and called him (which I would not recommend doing while eating!) Tammy asked him where we could find enema bags.  We had to go to two places to get two of them – apparently they are not a big seller!

Then Tammy asked him if the coffee was going to burn coming out… since it is highly acidic!

He informed us that… “Heck ya, it’s going to burn like a mother!”

He recommended some vasoline… and he also warned us that some people have poop that has become hard as a rock in there… basically it’s petrified poop… and it would also hurt like a mother coming out!

This whole idea was getting worse and worse.

He thought it was hilarious!  Kept calling it an “upside down latte!”

After that we went to the health food store to get juice, greens, epsom salt and other healthy crap that we were now going to have to eat!

I’d kill someone for a twinkie already!

So Tuesday morning were committed to start cleansing… this was going to mean drinking prune juice until we had serious movement happening… then switching to raw apple juice and water until the prune juice was all worked through… then doing coffee enemas to really get things cleaned out (repeated for three days.)

You are probably already thinking…. NO WAY would you do this!

But Doc convinced us that we would lose weight if we did!

Tammy really wanted to lose some weight… so I committed to do it with her!

Tuesday morning we gagged down our first glass of prune juice…(we had no idea what we were getting into)… the first thing we noticed was a lot of rumbling.  It felt like I had a pot of boiling water in there.

Then we felt like we were going to throw up.

Then we started releasing air (that’s my lady-like way of describing it okay) and her kids were laughing their heads off at us.  You have never heard anything like this – releasing air in tandem!

After only two glasses of prune juice Tammy was in business in the bathroom… I gagged down four glasses before I got the desired effect!

I use the word desired… but nothing about this was desirable!!!!

Then we started gagging down raw apple juice.  Normally we like apple juice… but after yesterday I never want to drink it again!   We had to force down gallons of distilled water and apple juice until all the prune juice was out of our system.  This took a while!

We were running low on toilet paper and wet wipes!

Once the apple juice was showing up on the other end… we were ready to brew coffee!

Basically we each had to enjoy 18 cups of upside down latte!

That’s a lot of coffee!

I’m not going to give you the gory details… because they are really gory!

Let’s just say that when you help your friend stick 18 cups of coffee up her butt… your friendship has reached a whole new level!

(No one else loves you that much Tam!)

After the first one… which was so painful it gave natural childbirth competition for the most painful thing we have ever done… we talked to the doc… and found out that he forgot to mention a few critical details!

I am going to strangle him with my BARE hands next time I see him!

Apparently you are supposed to put the coffee in really slow… like let it drip in for 20 minutes or so!  We put it in… in about 5 minutes… then held it in for seven of the most painful minutes of our life… then did the human percolator before we exploded.  I seriously lost my will to live in those 7 minutes!

After hearing that we were doing it wrong… I did the second one real slow and it was a piece of cake… no pain at all.  I was happy as punch… for a little while…

Then the shaking started and the dizziness.  I got so bad I couldn’t lift my head off the pillow.  My hands were shaking like I had palsy and I the room was spinning!

This is what happens when a small girl who doesn’t drink coffee or soda… suddenly gets 18 cups of coffee up the butt.  I was really sick!

Tammy called the doc and he recommended licorice root and a few tablespoons of honey.  They opened the capsules and dumped the powder in my mouth and made me wash it down… I can’t even tell you how gross that is!

I ended up staying down in bed… shaking… but wide awake for hours!

It was no longer funny!

The good news is that I felt much better this morning and started the process over again… yeah for more prune juice!  Though we are watering down the coffee and planning for shorter processing time for our lattes today.   We also gave in and ate half an apple which really helped.  I can run for the bathroom now without almost fainting!

The jokes about this have gotten out of hand on FB – but we are good sports about being the butts of the jokes!  You should have heard us laughing our heads off over the bear arms part!

Tammy’s tummy is already flatter though and she’s happy!

I am seriously thinking this was a bad idea… but I’m not ready to give up yet either…

…we’ll let you know how it comes out!

Ha Ha

Day 213: I would not date an older man! Okay I might!

(I guess I have Dr. Suess on the brain… cause this is what came out today! This post is not about any real individual I just thought it was funny!)

My friend Pam

My friend Pam

I really like
a younger man!

Do you like
an older man?

I do not like them,
my friend Pam.

I do not like
an older man.

Would you like them
here or there?

I would not like them

Would you date one
with a house?

Would you like to be
his spouse?

I will not date one
with a house.
I would not like to be
his spouse.
I do not like them
here or there.
I do not like them
I do not like an older man.
I do not like them, my friend Pam.

Would you date one
with a box?
Would you date one
that’s a fox?

Not with a box.
Not if a fox.
Not with a house.
Not be his spouse.

Would you? Could you?
In a car?

Date one! Date one!
There some are.

I would not,
could not,
in a car.

You may like one.
You will see.
You may like one
by a tree!

I would not, could not by a tree.
Not in a car! You let me be.

I do not want one with a box.
I do not want one that’s a fox.
I do not want one with a house.
I would not like to be his spouse.

A train! A train!
A train! A train!
Could you, would you,
on a train?

Not on a train! Not by a tree!
Not in a car! Pam! Let me be!

In the dark?
Here in the dark!
Would you, could you, in the dark?

I would not, could not,
in the dark.

Would you, could you, in the rain?
I would not, could not,
in the rain.

Not in the dark. Not on a train.
Not in a car. Not in the rain.
I do not like them, Pam, you see.

I will not date one here or there.
I do not date one anywhere!

You would not date
an older man?

I do not
like them,
my friend Pam.

You do not date them.
So you say.

Try one! Try one!
And you may.

Try one and you may, I say.

If you will let me be,
I will date one.
You will see.


I like this older man!
I do! I like him, my friend Pam!

And I would date him in the rain.
or in the dark. Or on a train.

Or in a car. Or by a tree.
He is so handsome, can you see!

So I would date him with a box.
He is such a smoking fox!

I would date him with a house.
I might even be his spouse.
I would date him here and there.
Say! I would date him ANYWHERE!

I do so like
an older man!
Thank you!
Thank you,
my friend Pam!

~~Dr Seuss
Adapted by Kim Sayer

Day 207: Trouble with Cell Phones

If you follow the blog you already read about Tammy jumping in the river with her cell phone in her back pocket.  Well she was convinced that it would still work despite the fact that there was a bubble behind the screen.

I was pretty sure it was toast!

After a few days, the screen stopped working and  it wouldn’t stay charged… so she had to break down and admit she needed a new one.

She and I headed to the Verizon store, where a really weird guy with a broken arm showed us her options.  There wasn’t a very good one… this was gonna be expensive.  Since her contract wasn’t up, she was looking at, at least, $270.

She finally chose one, and the weird guy helped to transfer most of her contacts over.  I say most… because she accidentally deleted some of them including Mr. B (who she really wanted to be able to call.)  Even though it was driving her crazy because she didn’t know how to work the new phone… at least I could reach her.

I have to be able to reach Tam!

The next day I was trying to call her for 2 hours and she wouldn’t pick up.  It was driving me crazy!  When I finally reached her, she explained that she had lost the new phone!

“Are you kiddin me?”

She and Trish were at the mall and somehow she had lost it!

She looked everywhere… but couldn’t find it.  On her way back to her car, she discovered it on the ground… in the parking lot!

The amazing part is that it hadn’t been run over… it was in perfect condition!

What luck!

The next day we took the girls out shopping.  On the way there, she realized that she’d lost it again!  Again!

We had to turn around and go back to her house to find it.

At this point I was really giving her a hard time about her cell phone issues.

It was getting ridiculous!

Then today, I went to the gym… and when I was getting my stuff out of my bag I started looking for my iphone.

It wasn’t in there!

I can’t workout with the music on my iphone!

“Maybe I left it in the car?”

I ran outside and was about to open the car door to look for it… when I saw my iphone laying in the street.

It was a miracle that it hadn’t been run over… it was in perfect condition too!


Tam and I are so alike it’s scary!

Day 200: What I’ve learned in the last 50 days… (so funny!)

I like to take these milestone days and share with you some of what I have been learning.  I can’t believe it’s been 200 days since my divorce!

Here are 50 things I have learned recently…

1. I’ve learned that wherever I go… no matter the state… the worst Utah drivers have followed me there.

2. I’ve learned that on any two lane highway…. the speed limit really is 65mph.

3. I’ve also learned that small town judges can be really nice and sympathetic to single moms who were going 80 mph.

4. I’ve learned that when I wave to people in the country, they stop and wave back.

5. I’ve learned that if you do that in the city… people just think you’re weird.

But it’s really funny!

6. I’ve learned that girls can’t pee standing up on the back of a boat like a boy can, no matter how much they want to.

7. I’ve learned that my daughters, if recruited by the mafia, would actually kill off their mother in a heartbeat.

8. I’ve learned how to surf behind a boat and at flowrider even though they are completely different in every way… but both considered surfing.

9. I’ve learned how to bluff at poker!

10.  I’ve learned not to high five anyone, when the card I was hoping for shows up… apparently that kind of ruins the chance of bluffing.

11. I’ve learned that the average member of the church cannot name the three members of the First Presidency.

At least not late at night, at Lake Powell.

12. I’ve learned some new dance moves in the last 50 days!

(But my kids still think I’m a retard when I dance.)

Ditto for karaoke!

13. I learned that singing karaoke badly, in front of people,  is actually fun.

14. I’ve learned that our dog doesn’t want to eat broccoli anymore than the kids do.

15. I’ve learned that on the nights I cook a nice dinner, no one comes home to eat it and the nights I’m too tired to cook… all four kids come home with 3 hungry friends each.

16. I’ve learned to keep a lot of frozen pizzas on hand for those kinds of nights!

17. I’ve learned that if you want to cheer yourself up, you should try cheering someone else up.

18. I’ve learned that sometimes the WHY behind what you do is really important because you can do the wrong thing for the right reason and it may become right or the right thing for the wrong reason and it may become wrong.

19. I’ve learned that when people behave badly they are just asking for attention and love.

20.  I’ve learned that if you want love in any situation, you should be the love in the situation.

21. I’ve learned not to take things personally because they are rarely about me.

22. I’ve learned how to throw a football with a perfect spiral.

23. I’ve learned how to hit a volleyball over the net correctly.

(At least some of the time….  OK – I’m still working on this one!)

24. I’ve learned how to swing backhand playing racquetball.

(I’ve been doing a great deal of sports recently huh!)

25. I’ve also learned that I can’t throw a baseball through an 8 x 8 opening to save my life…

… and I still suck royally at pool!

26. I’ve learned that it’s ok to say NO when someone asks you to dance if you feel uncomfortable.

27. But I’ve also learned that it’s really loving to say yes as often as possible – and that it is more consistent with the kind of person I want to be.

28. I’ve learned that it’s important to figure out what kind of single person you want to be upfront and remind yourself of it daily!

29. I’ve learned that it is totally normal for African American girls gums to turn dark during puberty.

That was a funny lesson, if I say so myself.

30. I’ve learned that gila monsters don’t let go if they bite you and that google sky can show you the constellations… but nothing beats looking at the real stars in the desert with a handsome boy holding your hand.

31. I’ve learned that when you’re afraid, you’re only focused on you… and when you choose to focus on others instead… the fear disappears.

32. I’ve learned that making a living is not the same thing as making a life.

33. I’ve learned that we are all responsible for what we do…

… unless we are celebrities.

34. I’ve learned to celebrate my mistakes because they are such great learning experiences… and it does no good whatsoever, to beat myself up.

35. I’ve learned that church dances are pretty lame no matter how old you are.

36. I’ve learned that when someone says “this church dance is going to be different” …   it won’t be.

37. I’ve NOW learned to how go to lame church dances… and make them  fun anyway!

38. I’ve learned that if you pursue happiness, it will elude you.  But if you focus on your family, the needs of others, your work, meeting new people, and doing the very best you can, happiness will find you.

39. I’ve learned that even when you have pains, you don’t have to be one.

40. I’ve learned that you cannot make someone love you…

… all you can do is stalk them and hope they give in eventually.

Just kidding.

41. I’ve learned that some people are just not going to like you and that’s ok… because lots of others will.

42. I’ve learned that I still love ice dancing and that I need to go often as a gift to myself.

43. I’ve learned to take off the blade guards before heading out to the ice!

44.  I’ve learned that the people you care most about in this life can be taken from you too soon, and all the ones you can’t stand…

….will never go away!

45.  I’ve learned how to use the weight machines at my gym correctly (at least some of them.)

46.  I’ve learned that I can now bicep press 15 pounds.

Which sounds pitiful… but I started at 5 pounds.

47. I’ve learned that I can’t even lift the 40 pound ones off the rack.

48.  I’ve learned that Stan is probably the strongest man on earth…

…. but he really should but a freakin shirt on!

49. I’ve learned that RC is probably the nicest man on earth… and that is more important that being strong (though Stan, you are really nice too.)

50. I’ve learned that the first testicular protection guard, or “Cup”, was used in Hockey in 1874…  The first helmet was used in hockey in 1974.  Which means it only took 100 years, for men to realize that their brain is also important.

I had to repeat that one again, because it’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in the last 50 days!

Day 197: Life University for Men

A new two year degree is being offered at LIFE UNIVERSITY that many of you should be interested in: BECOMING A REAL MAN.

That’s right, in just six semesters you, too, can be a real man. Please take a moment to look over the program outline.

FIRST YEAR Fall Schedule:
MEN 101 Combating Stupidity
MEN 102 You Too Can Do Housework
MEN 103 PMS – Learn When to Keep Your Mouth Shut
MEN 104 We Do Not Want Sleazy Underthings for Christmas
FIRST YEAR Winter Schedule:
MEN 110 Wonderful Laundry Techniques
MEN 111 Understanding the Female Response to Getting in at 4AM
MEN 112 Parenting: It Doesn’t End with Conception
MEN 113 Get a Life, Learn to Cook
FIRST YEAR Spring Schedule:
MEN 120 How NOT To Act Like an Ass When You’re Wrong
MEN 121 Understanding Your Incompetence
MEN 122 YOU, the Weaker Sex
MEN 123 Reasons to Give Flowers
SECOND YEAR Fall Schedule:
SEX 101 You CAN Fall Asleep Without It
SEX 102 Morning Dilemma: If It’s Awake, Take a Shower
MEN 201 How to Stay Awake After Sex
MEN 202 How to Put the Toilet Seat Down
SECOND YEAR Winter Schedule:
MEN 210 The Remote Control: Overcoming Your Dependency
MEN 211 How Not to Act Younger Than Your Children
MEN 212 You, Too, Can Be a Designated Driver
MEN 213 Honest – You Don’t Look Like Russel Wong – Especially Naked
SECOND YEAR Spring Schedule:
MEN 220 Omitting @#%~&*! From Your Vocabulary
MEN 221 Fluffing the Blanket After Farting is Not Necessary
MEN 222 Real Men Ask for Directions
MEN 223 Thirty Minutes of Begging is Not Considered Foreplay

Day 196: Life University for Women

(Prepared and Presented by Men)

  1. Are You Ready to Leave?  The meaning of YES!
  2. Inappropriate Rhetorical Questions  (formerly titled “Honey, Do I Look Fat?”)
  3. Elementary Map Reading
  4. Crying and Law Enforcement
  5. Advanced Math Seminar: Programming Your VCR
  6. You CAN Go Shopping for Less than 4 Hours
  7. Gaining Five Pounds vs. The End of the World:  A Study in Contrast
  8. The Seven-Outfit Week
  9. PMS: It’s YOUR Problem, Not Mine (formerly “It’s Happened Monthly Since Puberty, Deal With It”)
  10. Driving I: Getting Past Automatic Transmissions
  11. Driving II: The Meaning of Blinking Red Lights
  12. Driving III: Approximating a Constant Speed
  13. Driving IV: Makeup and Driving: Oil and Water
  14. The Super Bowl: Not Just a Game, But A Sacrament
  15. Telephone Translations (formerly titled “Me Too Equals I Love You”)
  16. How to Earn Your Own Money
  17. Gift-giving Fundamentals (formerly titled “Fabric Bad, Electronics Good”)
  18. Putting the Seat Down By Yourself: Potential Energy is on Your Side
  19. Know When to Say When: The Limits of Makeup
  20. Beyond “Clean and Dirty”: The Nuances of Wearable Laundry
  21. We Forget Birthdays, You Forget Sports Stats: LET’S LET IT DROP
  22. MYOB: Proper Response to Other Couple’s Public Arguments
  23. Yes, You Can Buy Condoms (formerly titled “WE learned to deal with the embarrassment”)
  24. Joys of the Remote Control: Reaping the Benefits of 569 Channels
  25. What Goes Around Comes Around: Why His Credit Card is Not a Toy
  26. The Penis: His Best Friend Can Be Yours Too
  27. His Poker Games: Deal Yourself Out.
  28. To Honor and Obey: Remembering the Small Print Above “I Do”
  29. Why Your Mother Is Unwelcome In The House
  30. Sex: It’s for married people too.

Please sign up early. Seats are very limited.

Day 195: 100 Ways to Annoy People

    1. Sing the batman song incessantly.
    2. Write in the memo field of all your checks, write “for sensual massage.”
    3. Specify that your drive-through order is “to go.”
    4. Learn Morse code, and have conversations with friends in public consisting entirely of “Beeeep Bip Bip Beeep Bip…”
    5. Amuse yourself for endless hours by hooking a camcorder to your TV and then pointing it at the screen.
    6. Speak only in a “robot” voice.
    7. Push all the flat Lego pieces together tightly.
    8. Start each meal by conspicuously licking all your food, and announce that this is so no one will “swipe your grub”.
    9. Leave the copy machine set to reduce 200%, extra dark, 17 inch paper, 98 copies.
    10. Stomp on little plastic ketchup packets.
    11. Sniffle incessantly.
    12. Leave your turn signal on for fifty miles.
    13. Name your dog “Dog.”
    14. Insist on keeping your car windshield wipers running in all weather conditions “to keep them tuned up.”
    15. Reply to everything someone says with “that’s what YOU think.”
    16. Claim that you must always wear a bicycle helmet as part of your “astronaut training.”
    17. Declare your apartment an independent nation, and sue your neighbors upstairs for “violating your airspace”.
    18. Forget the punchline to a long joke, but assure the listener it was a “real hoot.”
    19. Follow a few paces behind someone, spraying everything they touch with Lysol.
    20. Practice making fax and modem noises.
    21. Highlight irrelevant information in scientific papers and “cc:” them to your boss.
    22. Make beeping noises when a large person backs up.
    23. Invent nonsense computer jargon in conversations, and see if people play along to avoid the appearance of ignorance.
    24. Erect an elaborate network of ropes in your backyard, and tell the neighbors you are a “spider person.”
    25. Finish all your sentences with the words “in accordance with the prophesy.”
    26. Wear a special hip holster for your remote control.
    27. Do not add any inflection to the end of your sentences, producing awkward silences with the impression that you’ll be saying more any moment.
    28. Signal that a conversation is over by clamping your hands over your ears.
    29. Disassemble your pen and “accidentally” flip the ink cartridge across the room.
    30. Give a play-by-play account of a persons every action in a nasal Howard Cosell voice.
    31. Holler random numbers while someone is counting.
    32. Adjust the tint on your TV so that all the people are green, and insist to others that you “like it that way.”
    33. Drum on every available surface.
    34. Staple papers in the middle of the page.
    35. Ask 1-800 operators for dates.
    36. Produce a rental video consisting entirely of dire FBI copyright warnings.
    37. Sew anti-theft detector strips into peoples backpacks.
    38. Hide dairy products in inaccessible places.
    39. Write the surprise ending to a novel on its first page.
    40. Set alarms for random times.
    41. Order a side of pork rinds with your filet mignon.
    42. Instead of Gallo, serve Night Train next Thanksgiving.
    43. Publicly investigate just how slowly you can make a “croaking” noise.
    44. Honk and wave to strangers.
    45. Dress only in clothes colored Hunters Orange.
    46. Change channels five minutes before the end of every show.
    47. Tape pieces of “Sweating to the Oldies” over climactic parts of rental movies.
    48. Wear your pants backwards.
    49. Decline to be seated at a restaurant, and simply eat their complimentary mints by the cash register.
    50. Begin all your sentences with “ooh la la!”
    52. only type in lowercase.
    53. dont use any punctuation either
    54. Buy a large quantity of orange traffic cones and reroute whole streets.
    55. Pay for your dinner with pennies.
    56. Tie jingle bells to all your clothes.
    57. Repeat everything someone says, as a question.
    58. Write “X – BURIED TREASURE” in random spots on all of someone’s roadmaps.
    59. Inform everyone you meet of your personal Kennedy assassination/UFO/ O.J Simpson conspiracy theories.
    60. Repeat the following conversation a dozen times: “Do you hear that?” “What?” “Never mind, its gone now.”
    61. Light road flares on a birthday cake.
    62. Wander around a restaurant, asking other diners for their parsley.
    63. Leave tips in Bolivian currency.
    64. Demand that everyone address you as “Conquistador.”
    65. At the laundromat, use one dryer for each of your socks.
    66. When Christmas caroling, sing “Jingle Bells, Batman smells” until physically restrained.
    67. Wear a cape that says “Magnificent One.”
    68. As much as possible, skip rather than walk.
    69. Stand over someone’s shoulder, mumbling, as they read.
    70. Pretend your computer’s mouse is a CB radio, and talk to it.
    71. Try playing the William Tell Overture by tapping on the bottom of your chin. When nearly done, announce “no, wait, I messed it up,” and repeat.
    72. Drive half a block.
    73. Inform others that they exist only in your imagination.
    74. Ask people what gender they are.
    75. Lick the filling out of all the Oreos, and place the cookie parts back.
    76. Cultivate a Norwegian accent. If Norwegian, affect a Southern drawl.
    77. Routinely handcuff yourself to furniture, informing the curious that you don’t want to fall off “in case the big one comes”.
    78. Deliberately hum songs that will remain lodged in co-workers brains, such as “Feliz Navidad”, the Archies “Sugar” or the Mr. Rogers theme song.
    79. While making presentations, occasionally bob your head. like a parakeet.
    80. Lie obviously about trivial things such as the time of day.
    81. Leave your Christmas lights up and lit until September.
    82. Change your name to “AaJohn Aaaaasmith” for the great glory of being first in the phone book. Claim it’s a Hawaiian name, and demand that people pronounce each “a.”
    83. Sit in your front yard pointing a hair dryer at passing cars to see if they slow down.
    84. Chew on pens that you’ve borrowed.
    85. Wear a LOT of cologne.
    86. Listen to 33rpm records at 45rpm speed, and claim the faster speed is necessary because of your “superior mental processing.”
    87. Sing along at the opera.
    88. Mow your lawn with scissors.
    89. At a golf tournament, chant “swing-batabatabata-suhWING-batter!”
    90. Ask the waitress for an extra seat for your “imaginary friend.”
    91. Go to a poetry recital and ask why each poem doesn’t rhyme.
    92. Ask your co-workers mysterious questions, and then scribble their answers in a notebook. Mutter something about “psychological profiles.”
    93. Stare at static on the TV and claim you can see a “magic picture.”
    94. Select the same song on the jukebox fifty times.
    95. Never make eye contact.
    96. Never break eye contact..
    97. Construct elaborate “crop circles” in your front lawn.
    98. Construct your own pretend “tricorder,” and “scan” people with it, announcing the results.
    99. Make appointments for the 31st of September.
    100. Invite lots of people to other people’s parties.

Day 194: Are funny women intimidating?

I read an article today claiming that men don’t fancy FUNNY women… because it scares the poor dears.  Can you believe that?

Research actually shows men find female wits a turn-off.

What’s up with that?

Women see men with a sense of humour as dangerous and sexy, while many men see it as threatening.  Basically, they said that humour is a mark of intelligence and can therefore be intimidating.

(Aren’t most men over the fact that we’re smarter than them?  LOL)

I had a friend tell me once, not to tell my funny stories in public because it is masculine energy to do so, and men won’t find me attractive.   I was so surprised to hear this… because I thought it worked for me.

I do get asked out after all!

The man I am currently dating says he loves my funny stories.  This leads me to believe that some men, probably those who show up with more masculine energy and less confidence might be the ones who feel threatened while those more comfortable in their own skin are not.   Just a theory.

Lauren Antler, a a stand up comedian says most people don’t expect women to make them laugh. “People think it’s an anomaly to be funny and female, so they think you’re weird” she said.

Stand-up comic Beck Krefting,  says it’s not socially sanctioned for girls to be funny. “It’s OK for guys to crack jokes and be the class clown, but if a girl did it, she was marked the strange one.”

Krefting agrees that men are uncomfortable with women having the power associated with humor. “When you’re the one cracking the joke, you’re in control of the conversation,” she says. “Men are the ones supposed to be in control.”

Rather than being in charge, society gives girls the message that they need to be quiet and well-behaved.  A lot of people are threatened by funny women,” she says. “Women are just not socialized to use comedy as power. We’re socialized to play nice. ”

I have to admit I get my sense of humor from my dad.

He was the funny one… and boy does he know how to tell stories that crack everyone up.

My mom, on the other hand, doesn’t do that sort of thing at all.

But I do.

I know how to tell a funny story!

(But you guys know that!)

Though I admit, telling funny stories takes a lot of confidence.  It’s a big risk to put yourself out there like that.  So, my confidence may very well intimidate men who are not as confident.  That would make sense.

But if they aren’t confident I probably wouldn’t want to date them anyway.  I want to date men who are confident and appreciate a great sense of humor.

Though women are said to have a great sense of humor when they laugh at men’s jokes, not when they make jokes themselves.  So the question is…

“If a woman makes a joke and a man doesn’t laugh, is it still funny?”

Just kidding.

The real question is…

Should I continue to be my funny self or should I restrain my hilarious thoughts and just laugh at a guys jokes instead?

Should I be a funny woman?

Or should I be quieter and let the men crack the jokes?

I don’t think I couldn’t stop being funny if I tried… it’s just me.

Oh well!

I’d love to hear your comments on this one…

Day 192: What I have learned from watching TV

1. The ventilation system of any building is always big enough to travel to any other part of the building without difficulty.

2. A lot can happen in 24 hours.

3. If staying in a haunted house, women must go investigate any strange noises they hear and they must do this in their most sexy underwear, which is just what they happened to be carrying with them at the time their car broke down.

4. All bombs are fitted with electronic timing devices with large red readouts so you know exactly when they’re going to go off.

5. If you decide to start dancing in the street everyone around you will automatically be able to mirror all the steps you come up with and hear the music in your head.

6. If anyone chases anyone else through a city, one of them will run into the street, nearly being hit by a car screeching to a halt at which point the driver flails his arm out the window and yells an expletive.

7. Anytime someone in an awful rush confronts someone who is curious about his predicament, the first one will say, “There’s no time to explain,” and then  he will explain anyway.

8. Heavy guns, for example on helicopters, cause cosmetic damage to the hero’s transport, but one bullet makes the bad guys chopper blow up.

9. If in a battle scene a bad guy actually manages to shoot a good guy, the good guy’s friend always has time to listen to his friend’s dying speech. Once dead, the friend stands up and shoots the correct bad guy (amongst a whole host of bad guys). The bad guy has apparently been sitting around just waiting to be shot!!

10. A woman being chased by a murderer will always trip, either because she’s running in stilettos or is ridiculously clumsy.

11. Women can never find their car keys while being pursued by a killer. Once they do find them, it takes them ages to fumble the keys into the ignition, giving the killer enough time to reach the car and pound on the window.

12. When big creatures who eat people come after you… the most annoying people will always be eaten first.  This is some kind of universal karma thing.

13. Vicious guard dogs can be easily distracted with a piece of steak.

14. A small goat is capable of propelling a fully grown man through the air by butting him in the ass with it’s horns.

15. Anytime a person is expecting a bad guy to jump out at them, they’ll sigh in relief when it’s just the cat, or the wind, or a tree branch against the window. But as soon as they let their guard down and laugh at their “silliness”, they’re going to be attacked by the bad guy that really was there after all.  This never fails.

16. When someone puts a baby down to bed, that baby coos and smiles, and then just goes right off to sleep. It’s amazing… but not in the least bit realistic.

17. If someone jumps off a bridge into a river, lake, etcetera, the water will always be deep enough to keep them from getting hurt. But if a bad guy falls from a river, he/she’s good as gone.

18. Police officers never wait for back-up and good looking police officers don’t ever need it.

19. Bad things usually happen whenever women are alone in a house on a stormy night.

20. Bad guys die instantly, good guys die slowly.

21. When the good guy is being attacked by a gang, they will run at him one at a time while the rest stay (in the case of ninjas, dance) around in a menacing manner, allowing him to kick all of their asses by the time the scene is over.

22. Most of police investigations require at least one visit to a strip club.

23. You can always jump from tall buildings and safely land on mattresses, a pile of boxes, or a dumpster full of garbage and, though you might groan and be a little slow getting up, you will not sustain any serious injury.

24. It’s very easy to fool the security guards at highly top secret government institutions.

25. It’s very easy for a computer hacker to break a security code and find just the information he’s looking for in less than a minute.

26. If you’re a criminal mastermind, you cannot just shoot the hero in the back, you have to tie him up and wait for some diabolical machine to finish the hero off and you can’t wait around to make sure it works, which allows the hero a chance to escape, which he always does because apparently no bad guy ever got his knot tying badge in the boy scouts.

27. When an ugly girl takes off her glasses, gets a haircut, and puts on nice clothes she is always very hot.

28. No matter who you are calling, no matter what time you are making the call, the person you’re calling will always answer the phone, usually after only one or two rings. Of course, this assumes you aren’t running from a killer while trying to make a call on a cell phone, in which case there is a 100% chance that either the battery will be dead or you won’t be able to get a signal.

29. Whenever you put on a seatbelt, you will get into an accident.

30. A devious villain will immediately shoot any non-important people whenever needed without hesitation. However when he finally has the chance to kill the hero, he will undoubtedly hold a firearm trained on said protagonist for at least 90 seconds while performing a well-written soliliquoy. This delay is all the hero needs to escape.

31. When a woman is being pursued by a scary serial killer that she knows is in her house, she will always run upstairs instead of out of the house.  “These stupid women drive me crazy and no matter how much I yell at them – they do it anyway.”

32. You can break into any house or door with a credit card.

33. The bad guy will always tell the good guy every detail about his master-plan instead of just shooting him.  Again this is all he needs to craft an escape.

34. When someone has stopped breathing and has no pulse, simply breathing into her mouth twice and looking extremely distressed while screaming “DON’T YOU DIE ON ME!” will bring her back to life immediately.

35. Aliens will always have more advanced techonology than us.

36. When you turn on the tv, the news will always be on and they will be reporting the exact incidence you are interested in at that very moment.

37. There’s always a corrupt police officer or someone you trusted will end up being a bad guy.

38. If you meet a member of the opposite sex, and you both hate each other… don’t worry… you’ll eventually fall in love with each other.

39. Major disasters always happen in New York.  (Though this one may actually be true!)

40. The President is always very considerate and well-spoken. Not to mention he always is able to fly a jet fighter when needed.

41.  True love exists and people really do live happily ever after.

42. There is no problem that can’t be solved in under an hour.

… and people say watching TV is wasted time!

Day 195: Ways to annoy people and entertain yourself in a public restroom

From the response I received about yesterday’s post… I concluded that most men are not intimidated by funny women as long as they are also loving and kind – but even if they aren’t nice funny women, the men are not intimidated as much as turned off.  I apparently pull off humor because I do it in a fun feminine way – at least that is what the men who responded said.

I liked that answer!

So I will continue to be a funny girl!


This was sent to me by a friend after my post about what really happens in the women’s restroom and I have to admit it’s pretty funny, but kinda gross too.

Definitely some things my teen-age boys would do – and laugh their heads off!

  • Stick your palm under the stall wall and ask your neighbor, “Can I borrow a highlighter?”
  • Cheer and clap loudly everytime somebody breaks the silence with a bodily function noise
  • Say to yourself but out loud, “Hmmm, I’ve never seen that color before.”
  • Drop a marble in the toilet and say, “Oh No!! My glass eye!!”
  • Grunt and strain real loud for 30 seconds and then drop a cantaloupe into the toilet bowl from a height of 6 feet.  Sigh relaxingly.
  • Say, “Now how did that get there?”
  • Say, “Humus. Reminds me of humus.”
  • Fill up a large flask with Mountain Dew. Squirt it erratically under the stall walls of your neighbors while yelling, “Whoa ! Whoa!
  • Say,” Interesting…more sinkers than floaters”
  • Using a small squeeze tube, spread peanut butter on a wad of toilet paper and drop under the stall wall of your neighbor. Then say, “Whoops, could you kick that back over here?
  • Play a well-known drum cadence over and over again on your butt cheeks
  • Before you unroll toilet paper, conspicuously lay down your “Cross-Dressers Anonymous” newsletter on the floor visible to the adjacent stall.
  • Lower a small mirror underneath the stall wall and adjust it so you can see your neighbor and say, “Peek-a-boo!”

Would anyone actually do these?  I hope not.

Day 191: The Shortest Books & I Lost my Karaoke Virginity

Yes it’s true… I sang karaoke!

In front of people… for the first time ever!

I’m no longer a karaoke virgin!

I am so glad all my friends were there to do it with me.

You may remember a few weeks ago I wrote about Karaoke night in SLC and overcoming fears. Last night was my chance to go back and do things differently.  It was my chance to show up without fear – get crazy and just have fun.

I went in there focused on meeting new people and making new friends (especially watching for people who felt awkward like I did last time.)

As soon as I got there, Giovanni decked me out with a grass skirt and lei so I was looking really beachie!  Then the party was on!

It was a blast…

I made lots of new friends and was so warmly welcomed by the two Justins, Mike, Jared, Jamie and Michelle… I felt right at home.  I hope that maybe I did the same for others, I tried to.

Then to top off a fun night… I signed up to sing “Love will keep us together” by Captain and Tenille.

“Yes Dave, I once called it ‘Stop, cause I really love you’ and I agree that didn’t make sense but I eventually figured out the right title.”

If you haven’t heard the song… you ought to look it up on itunes – it’s so totally me!

I got up there and was ready to sing it alone… when all of a sudden Jared decided to help me.

“I appreciated not being up there alone bud… but you don’t know the tune – at all!”

He wasn’t even singing the same song I was singing… I finally had to ask him to stop cause he was messing me up even more.  HA ha

“Sorry bud but you gotta learn the tune first!”

On my own, I think I did pretty good – except for the fact that I couldn’t hear my own voice because of how the speakers were set up.

So maybe I was horrible, I don’t know!

People said that I did good afterwards, but they are really nice people… and were probably too nice to say I sucked.

The thing is… it was so fun!  I got so into it!

I have always admired people who are comfortable enough with themselves to get up there and sing, dance and look stupid.  It takes some good self esteem  to put yourself out there and go for it and I think it’s awesome.  So that’s what I did.

It was so fun… I think I’ll do it again!

I’m hooked!

(Bring your earplugs next week guys.)


I found this online the other day and it cracked me up!

The World’s Shortest Books …

  • “The Book of Virtues” by Bill Clinton
  • “My Plan To Find The Real Killers” by O.J. Simpson
  • Human Rights Advances in China
  • America’s Most Popular Lawyers
  • Career Opportunities for Liberal Arts Majors
  • Detroit – A Travel Guide
  • Different Ways to Spell “Bob”
  • Dr. Kevorkian’s Collection of Motivational Speeches
  • Easy UNIX
  • Al Gore: The Wild Years
  • Everything Men Know About Women
  • Everything Women Know About Men
  • French Hospitality
  • George Foreman’s Big Book of Baby Names
  • “How to Sustain a Musical Career” by Art Garfunkel
  • Mike Tyson’s Guide to Dating Etiquette
  • One Hundred and One Spotted Owl Recipes by the EPA
  • “Things I Wouldn’t Do for Money” by Dennis Rodman
  • The Amish Phone Directory
  • The Engineer’s Guide to Fashion
  • “Beauty Secrets” by Janet Reno
  • “Home-Built Airplanes” by John Denver
  • “How to Get to The Super Bowl” by Dan Marino
  • “Things I Love About Bill” by Hillary Clinton
  • “My Life’s Memories” by Ronald Reagan
  • “Things I Can’t Afford” by Bill Gates
  • Amelia Earhart’s Guide to The Pacific Ocean
  • “All The Men I’ve Loved Before” by Ellen Degeneres

Day 189: I thought I was indecisive but now I’m not so sure.

Are you decisive or indecisive?

“For me.. I’m not sure…

Can I think about it and get back to you?”

If you have trouble making decisions or you often doubt yourself when you do make decisions, this might be an issue for you… or maybe your issue is something else entirely.

Indecision can be a sign of low self confidence… at least it might be.

I’m not really sure.

I could be wrong.

Though indecision can also be the secret to flexibility, though flexibility also leads to a lot of indecision.

We have all made decisions that later we regretted and wished that we had decided differently.  Sometimes what we thought was the right thing turns out to be the wrong thing.

But maybe the right thing that now seems wrong, was the perfect thing, so the wrong thing, that you thought was right, really was right.

Though I could be wrong about all of this.

I’m plagued with indecision in my life on occasion.  Sometimes I can’t even figure out what to order in a restaurant or what clothes to wear.

Though this indecision may or may not really be that much of a problem.

Making decisions is not always fun. It is even less fun when the decision maker is under the perception that deciding means committing to one out of a multitude of other possibilities which means losing out on some other possibilities.

Though this may not be the only possibility when it comes to the problem of making decisions.

Usually when you make a decision, the more painful options will tend to be avoided, while less painful paths will be chosen more often.  Second, if a path that avoids making the decision at all exists, then even the less painful decision will tend to be avoided more often.

Though even thinking about these decisions can often be painful enough.  And we are sometimes deciding between two options that are both equally painful.  It can even be painful to decide which of the options is more painful.

What do these decisive facts tell us?


Okay I’ll drop the silliness because this is important.  You have to trust yourself when you are dating. You must listen to your inner truth and be able to make tough decisions.

But no one is going to make the right decisions all the time.  Get over it.  Not even successful people choose successfully every time they make a decision.

So the secret is to let go of the need to make correct decisions every single time and just make a dang decision!

Accept the fact that you will always make the best decision you can with what you know at the time and that is all the universe expects of you.

Let go of fear around the outcome.  Trust that you have the ability to make the best decision you can, at this moment, and that is good enough.

Have confidence in your decision and follow through.  Trust yourself!

Sometimes though, trusting yourself may mean riding things out and not making a decision yet.  You can wait until more information shows up, to help you decide.  Again, you should trust your inner truth.  You have all the answers inside you.  Of this I am sure!

At least that is what I decided.

I hope that made sense – it was fun to write – even if it doesn’t!  🙂


Something funny happened to me this morning…

I starting working early this morning (my favorite way – in my PJ’s) but I kept hearing my cell phone ringing somewhere.

I couldn’t figure out where I left it… but I was too busy to take time to look for it.

Finally I had a break and went looking… still couldn’t find it anywhere!

I thought I’d left it in my bedroom, but it just wasn’t there.

Then I decided to call myself and see if I could hear it.

It still sounded like it was in my bedroom, but it wasn’t there!

I need an App that tells me where I left my dang iphone!  Could someone please invent that?

After more searching…

I finally realized where it was…

I had made the bed this morning…

…and somehow dropped my phone down under the covers.

Is that me, or what?

Day 188: What Really Happens in the Women’s Restroom?

…and why do women have to go in pairs?

I realize that this is one of the great mysteries of life, so I thought I’d let you in on the secrets.

It is usually because we have an urgent need for some girl talk… even more than we need to pee.  The peeing is often not even a factor.  There is just a seriously urgent need to answer these types of questions:  (and the restroom is usually the best place to do this.)

“Was he checking you out or what?!

So are you guys going home together, or what’s the deal here?”

“I hate this guy, lets think of a way to get out of here!”.

Sorry to blow the cover ladies. We just want to talk about things we don’t necessarily want the men or anyone else to hear.  It gives us a chance to say things we can’t say in the group.  It also gives us a little girl bonding time.

I often use this opportunity to get to know one of the women that I just met in the group. We can connect much better here (over some girl talk) than we can out in the confusion of the event.

Tammy and I have had some hilarious trips to the restrooms.   One of the funniest was on a night when we went to dinner with a big group of people we didn’t know well.  One guy showed up with a group of friends both men and women – then proceeded to be the biggest ass ever.

He was crude, rude and so arrogant it was unbelievable.   I was sitting next to him and he was also touching me way too much, it was freaking me out.  (I hate space invaders!)  So I told Tammy that I needed to go to the bathroom and insisted she go with me.

As you can imagine, the minute we were out of earshot, we starting ripping on the guy and what a jerk he was.  This conversation was still in full swing when we entered the bathroom, then to our surprise… out of another stall comes one of the jerks girl friends.

We were totally busted dissin on him!

She asked who we were talking about and thinking quick, I told her we were talking about our guy friend at the other end of the table.  (Who is really the nicest guy on the planet) Sorry BD, we threw you under the bus to save ourselves.

Once the girl left, we laughed our heads off over it!  Poor DB we made you out to be the worst guy ever – and you were totally innocent.  Then we made plans to ditch these people as soon as possible.

These kinds of plans are often made in the restroom.

It is more of a strategy session and fixing of wardrobe or make-up place… than a bathroom for us.

We also use this time to decide who likes who and who’s gonna go for who.  Sometimes the guy I liked is obviously interested in Tam – so this is the time and place to say… “Tam, he is more into you than me – so you should go for it!”

It is also the place I go to fix wardrobe malfunctions or to check for lipstick on my teeth – both which happen quite frequently (at least to me.)


What guys do  in the men’s bathroom:

1) Walk slowly and proudly up to the bathroom.

2) Enter the bathroom, and quickly check out the whole room

3) Look for the right urinal. This is how to pick your urinal: There must be at least one urinal between you and the next closest person (on either side) to you, if this is not available, take the urinal next to the wall, beside a ‘safe looking’ male. If this is also not available, glance at stalls, or leave bathroom, and return later, to get the right spot.

4) If proper urinal is available, approach urinal swiftly, looking straight ahead, never turning eyes or head. Another approach is to look at the floor, feet are always good as well.

5) Undo pants, relieve yourself as quickly as possible, keep head looking down (or eyes closed and head held looking up) this way no one will think you are trying to check them out.

6) Shake it off, put it back in your pants.
** Note Steps 7 and 8 are optional, but recommended in 45 of the 50 states.

7) Wash hands.

8) Attempt to dry hands. Look to see if a blow dryer or paper towel dispenser is close by. If not, your clothes will do just fine as a towel.

9) Exit bathroom, do NOT look back, you didn’t forget anything.

10) Check to see if your female companion has exited the bathroom before you, although highly unlikely, you must check anyway.

11) Wait patiently for her return, remember to NOT say things like, “Wow, what took you so long.”


What women do in the ladies bathroom:

1) Try to beat all other women into the restroom because there is always a line and if you let a few in front of you, you could have another 15 minute wait.

The lines at women’s restrooms are longer because it simply takes longer on average for a woman to use a restroom. There’s no big secret to this.

If men didn’t have urinals and actually washed their hands, they’d take just as long.

2) Enter bathroom, and start checking each stall, but do NOT check the first one, first one is bad luck, even if tests prove that it’s always the cleanest. Look to see what stall is the nicest looking, deciding only after checking every available stall.

3) If you were talking to someone when you entered the restroom – keep talking even when you’re both sitting on your porcelain thrones, especially if it’s a friend or sibling or someone you know well.

4) Hang jacket and purse on hooks on door.

5) Take some toilet paper and wipe the seat, pretending you can wipe off all germs.

6) Line toilet seat with toilet paper! Germs are bad!

7) Start to take off all 27 layers of required clothing, be sure nothing rests on the ground! Use all other hooks available if needed.

8) Sit down on toilet seat very lightly, as not to disturb layer of paper between you and the seat. Germs are bad!

9) If the automatic flushing system misfires (as it often does) as flushes your paper away because you took to long… go back to step 4 and start again.

10) Relax and let the flow go, but make sure your still sitting lightly, because the paper on the seat can’t move, or you’ll get germs!

11) Start to dispense the required amount of toilet paper from the roll. Fold into neat rectangle, and wipe all drips, very careful to not get germs from the seat!

12) If you discover that you don’t have toilet paper ask someone in the next stall to hand you some.

13) Toss soiled toilet paper into toilet while standing up, watch out for the germs!

14) Start to put back on the 27 layers of clothing you were wearing, make sure it looks exactly like it did when you entered bathroom.

15) Put all toilet paper lining seat into toilet.

16) Flush.  Or let the automatic flusher do the work, and feel it spray water from how powerfully it flushes, which is totally disgusting!  Take a second and be disgusted.

17) Grab jacket and purse while unlocking door.

18) Walk to sink, and turn on tap.

19) Put hands under running water for at least 10 seconds.

20) Lather up with lots of soap, and be sure to get anywhere on hands that was exposed to germs!

21) Rinse soap off hands under water for another 10 seconds.

22) Look for paper towel, if there is none, mumble under breath, and stick hands under blow dryer for 4 minutes. NEVER WIPE HANDS ON CLOTHING!

23)Make your move to counter/mirror section.  Spread out contents of purse on counter.

24) Touch up already perfect make-up, for no reason, be sure to take at least 2 minutes doing this.

25) Organize objects when putting back in purse, a messy purse is bad!

26)  On the way out of the bathroom, try to figure out how to get out with re-touching the door handle.

27) Find boyfriend outside, wonder how he gets done so fast … You were really quick this time!

You knew he would get out there before you because he doesn’t have to pull down his pants all the way to go, nor does he wash his hands appropriately.

So now you know what happens!

May your life be like a roll of toilet paper – long and useful!

Click here to read a hilarious story about why you shouldn’t use a cell phone in the bathroom. This guy is a great writer even though the story is disgusting.

Day 187: Don’t read this one while eating!

I was surprised by a rather large spider in my kitchen sink yesterday… and I have to admit that I ran from the room with high pitched screaming, shaking and waving my arms in the air like a crazy person.

(You can picture that huh!)

But, don’t worry, after the heebie jeebies calm down a bit, I got my wits about me and went back and killed it.  Though I also have to admit, at that moment… I really wished there was a dang man in my house.

I hate killing bugs!

Actually I just hate bugs in general.

I’m a girl!

Why do most women run from the room screaming when they see a bug?

I had a man pose this question recently… Why are women so afraid of bugs, when they can pour hot wax on their bodies and rip their hair out by its roots?

Good question!

Here is my take on it…

First…  if killing bugs made us pretty, we’d do it.

But it doesn’t…  so we’d really rather you did it.

Second, hey… if we didn`t wax, we`d be scarier than bugs.

Third…  it’s fun to have a big strong man protect us from harm.

Even though it is unlikely that we are really in danger from these bugs –  They are completely disgusting and being saved from them is kinda romantic.

It kinda feels like being saved from a beast by a handsome prince… I know that’s corny!

But I really think that is part of it.

Though most of us princesses will pull it together and eventually save ourselves… if no princes are in the vicinity.

It’s a lot more fun to be saved!

Having said that, bugs really do give me the heebie jeebies.

You read my story about the ants in Arizona.  Well, we had more bug problems at Lake Powell… there were millions of gnats!

The interesting part is… the gnats consistently bothered the guys more than they bothered us girls.  It was weird.

One theory was that the gnats were all female, so they were only after the men.  (Yes the men came up with that one – wanting to believe that something female would swarm all over them!)

Keep dreaming guys!

I think in reality, it was about the differences between men and women and what bugs us.

Men do not like to be bothered, nagged, hovered over or constantly irritated.  So gnats drive them crazy!

There were just as many gnats around us girls… but we are used to constant buzzing around us, so we just weren’t as bothered by them.

We have kids, husbands and boy friends who won’t leave us alone.  We have children driving us crazy all day every day.  We can’t even use the bathroom alone… so a few gnats flying around our heads is no big deal.

Spiders are a whole different matter.

Spiders sneak up on you.  They infiltrate your space and bite you before you even see them coming.  They are creepy, hairy and dirty!  These are things women hate!

Men are okay with creepy, hairy and dirty!  As a matter of fact men are quite comfortable with it. They also recognize that they are bigger, creepier, hairier and dirtier than spiders and love to have the chance to kill something.

Gnats are harder to kill…  hence not as fun as spiders.

At least that is my theory.

But I will make a case for why it is perfectly reasonable that women get the heebie jeebies from bugs:     (This is the part you don’t want to read while eating.)

1. For every person on the earth, there are two hundred million insects. More insects can be found in only ten square feet of rainforest than there are people in Manhattan. One square mile of rural land can hold more insects than there are human beings on Earth.

2. Each year the average person will “eat” several insects while they are sleeping. During the average lifetime, a person consumes about seventy insects and ten spiders during their sleep. According to some sources, beetles have a taste that is similar to apples while wasps taste like pine nuts.

3. The Department of Health and Human Services has set standards regarding how many insect parts are food can contain, called the Food Defect Action Levels. Chocolate can have up to eight insect fragments per hundred grams, while peanut butter can have only sixty fragments. Meanwhile, wheat flour can have 150 fragments per hundred grams and paprika can have 300 fragments.

4. A flea can jump about two hundred times the length of their body, which is about thirteen inches. This is the equivalent to a six foot tall human jumping nine hundred feet.

5. A cockroach can live nine days without eating. This is also the same amount of time that the body of a cockroach can live after its head has been cut off before it eventually dies from starvation.

6. Mosquitoes are more likely to bite children than adults, blonde-haired people rather than brown-haired people, and people wearing dark clothing. They are also attracted to people who just ate bananas or finished exercising. This is because foods high in potassium and exercising cause your body to release lactic acid, which is attractive to mosquitoes.

7. More people are afraid of spiders than death. Amazingly, few people are afraid of Champagne corks even though you are more likely to be killed by one than by a spider.

8. The average bed contains between two million to six million dust mites.

Got the heebie jeebies yet?

Moral of this story…

I wish I had a man around the house – to save me from spiders!